
Educating and Transforming

Our work for the community


selected albums

Check out some of our best work in action.

Detras de mi Verdad

Viviendo sin Limites

Behind the scenes


Viviendo sin Limites

A TV series that offers inspiration and empowerment. Veronica has used her position to connect Latin American women with mentors, psychologists and authors.

Detras de mi Verdad

12 episodes that tell the stories and experiences of different families who have gone through various personal situations, and how these circumstances have left them with lessons of faith in the midst of adversity, even if the outcome or the end was not as they expected.


Allies for success

United with the same objective

Junto a nuestros colaboradores, podemos llegar a más personas y generar un mayor impacto.
Su colaboración nos permite seguir adelante y crear contenido que impacte.
Isaiah del Moral
Isaiah del MoralBoard Member
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Cruzando puentes is an organization the exists to bridge the gap between underserved communities and life-changing resources. Being a part of this community based organization and their work of impact in our region is an immense blessing. I am honored to be a small part of this great impact work.
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Crossing Bridges is an organization that represents the heart or community collaboration. Their mission of uniting families, organizations, and professionals in wellbeing through a web of support is admirable. Through tier educational projects and inspirational events, they promote personal and community growth that transcends boundaries. To be a part of this initiative is to be a part of positive and lasting change.
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The Crossing Bridges vision of being a bridge to knowledge and inspiration is a guiding light for many. They offer tools that promote holistic health, and financial and spiritual wellbeing, through modern platforms like videos and blogs to reach their target audience. Their commitment along with their motivation and awareness in these essential areas is a true service to the community.