

Quality content to build resilient communities

Ready to Inform, Educate and Connect

We are a television and digital video program that aims to help the Spanish-speaking population worldwide to have a fuller and more satisfying life. This program is a creative tool for inspiration, education and information that brings resources for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

YouTube Viviendo sin Límites

Discover everything we have for you on our 'Living Without Limits' YouTube channel! Immerse yourself in a unique experience of inspiration, education and information designed to help you live a full and satisfying life. From mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health topics, to practical tips for self-improvement and family wellness, our program has something for everyone. Explore our diverse playlists covering our seasons, exclusive interviews, helpful tips and highlights from our international tours. Connect with a community of people committed to living without limits and subscribe now so you never miss an episode! Join us on our journey to a more fulfilling and satisfying life! Click the link below to visit our YouTube channel and start your journey with us today - we look forward to seeing you!


Discover the richness and diversity of topics addressed in the first three seasons of 'Viviendo Sin Límites'. From deep reflections on mental, emotional and physical health, to intimate explorations of self-improvement and family wellness, each episode is designed to inspire, educate and connect with our Spanish-speaking audience around the world. Through exclusive interviews, moving testimonials and insightful analysis, each season of 'Viviendo Sin Límites' offers an enriching and meaningful experience that challenges us to live our lives with purpose and fulfillment. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth as we explore together what it means to live without limits.

International Tours

Embark on an exciting and transformative journey through our tours around the world. From the vibrant Dominican Republic to diverse Mexico City, our tours take us to explore deep and meaningful themes that impact our Spanish-speaking audiences around the world. Join us on these exciting adventures as we explore together what it means to live without limits in different corners of the world. We look forward to seeing you at our next stop!

View Image Gallery

Discover the visual essence of the deepest and most meaningful topics we explore in our 'Living Without Limits' program through our image gallery! Immerse yourself in a visual experience that captures the diversity and depth of the topics we address, from self-improvement to health care to the importance of family and emotional resilience.

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